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Here you will find a list of RPG Characters and how they tick and what goes on in their lives.
These are some RPG Characters in case you forgot but I doubt you did. If you would like to use any of these Charaters as your own you MUST let me know and I will tell you if the charater(s) taken or not. I hope you enjoy reading. ^.~

Name} Lissy Jenette Meecra
NickNames} Lyssa, Lissers, Lys, Alyssa, Bidy, Kayko, Gip
Age} 17
Height} 5'6"
Weight} 130lbs
Hair Color}Light Blue
Eye Color} Light Brown
Weapon} Sword
Magic Powers} Controler of Earth, Fire, Lighting, Water and a Soul Stealing
Family}Bewsegap=Son(no longer), Crishyon=Daughter, Rayn=son
Race} Elfen Female
Friends} Bethie, Pien, Jason, Cali, Deeders, Richard, Crys, Frosti, AL, Randy, Alucard, Kage, Omen, Nanaki, Tapion, Tim, Kat, Brian, Black Sorceress, Hyoukyo, Kiken, Tanya, Lela, Kelli, Cammy, Arryn, Taretch, Rayne, Ashe......etc.
Transformation} Demon and Angel
Plushies} Blaine, Kelli, Brian, Kage, Chibi Squall, Seishirou, Uubu, Lissy, Akasha
Action Figures} Tobias
From} Panitien

Name} Durel Alexander Tariset
NickName} Dra-teeny
Age} 14
Height} 5'2"
Weight} 92lbs
Hair Color(s)} Her hair is originaly black she has light purple streaks along with dark purple streaks. Parts of her hair is also in braids
Eye Color} Dark Blue
Weapon} Battle Ax
Magic Powers} Soul Stealing
Family} No Information
Friends} Unknown
Race} Japanese Female
Transformations} Black Panther with black wings. Wing span of 12 ft
From} Japan

More RPG Charaters will be coming soon! ^.^